Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hey all.
Today quite fun though but this few days jus dun have the mood.
Sianxz ah.
Morning went school.
Class vs teachers water fight.
Mr Liang brought his water gun like so big la.
Everyone load themselves with water balloons.
Than BOOM BOOM BOOM all water ballons splat!
Than both teachers wet HAHAHA.
Mr Liang is DAMN wet.
Than Mr Liang keep aim Jian Ming and shoot.
Than Jian Ming also damn wet. xD
Than after teacher's day celeb went back to mee toh with alas, jeanic and wx.
Saw damn lot pple la.
Saw Ms Zhang, Mr Wee, Mdm Woo, Mrs Lim etc.
Alot alot la.
Than saw alot primary school frens too ^^.
Than after tat go there eat.
I eat one plate of rice and one bowl of noodles.
Woot eating machine is back! :D
Than after tat went back home with alas and sam.
Came back study awhile than went 114 find yuelong and ronn play basketball.
Today is lke so many pple la.
Got Kah Heng they all.
Than the stupid Kah Heng suddenly say Esther got come than keep di siao siao .___.
Feel like killing him :/
Than played till around 6+ than came back home.
Haizzz so tired.
Stupid freaking mood -.-
Feel like ending everything now. ==
At least wont have so much troubles.
I miss primary school life...

7:40 AM

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hey yo all!
Jus now went tution.
Damn boring la.
Walk to pp myself.
Than go up pay fees than saw jon.
Than go in sit there till le'schane cme than send her the songs.
I still owe her one pic xD
Hahas :X
Than after tat teach till 3.45 got test.
My test confirm gg lo.
Alot duno how do.
LOL. :/
Than after tat went KFC help bro buy snackers.
Than walk to 114 basketball court find yuelong, alas and aaron.
Than go there less than 2mins than left. :X
Than came home.
So boring now.
Sian jus now forget watch music wave! .____.
ARGHH.. ):

My Mind's Blank.

3:42 AM

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hey ya all!
I'm so bored.
Many songs in media player.
Duno which to listen.
Randomly switching around.
Hahas. xD
Later got tution.
Summore now raining.
Later confirm go in be iceberg. :/
Shall keep tis short.
Lazy to continue le. xD

10:01 PM

Hey YA!
I've changed my blogskin agn.
It looks kinda small.
But i quite like the colour.
And the words at the left so meaningful! :D
Well well tired now.
So cyas. ^^

8:29 AM

Hey YO!
I'm soo bored and tired.
Garena stuck and wont open ==
Today basketball damn epic la!
One match i wont forget!
Score is like total epic.
I score like 8-9 goals all from shoot.
Man of the match! :D
Than got one at 3.5 than anyhow shoot *CHOP*!
Haha alas keep say i eat his medicine. HAHA!

4:38 AM

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jus came back from compass.
Went studying yuelong and alas.
Lol .___.
Nth much to post today leh.
Lazy post also.
Today geography free period they play true or dare.
So funny la. xD

I Love You Deeply.

4:26 AM

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hey Yo People!
Wa i super tired.
Tml still got NPCC.
SIAN ah .____.
Today school nth much.
Got ICG today.
We got champion!
Nearly lose 2A1.
Win them 4 pts only.
Than after tat came home damn tired.
Feel like falling on the bed and sleep seh .___.
Sian tml NPCC confirm very tiring agn.
All those drills and stuff.
How i wish there is no wednesday~ :D

I'm At Lost. Wat Should I Do?

4:23 AM

Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm so warm now even though it is raining ==''
Today went studying with alas and yuelong.
Went SKCC find lennon, boon wee, szeyong and terence.
Than play basketball awhile than rain le.
After tat all go home .___.
Left me yuelong, alas and szeyong than we go arcade.
Haha szeyong know cannot go in but he still go in.
But in the end got chase out. LOL.
Went library after tat.
Than sze yong keep make us laugh like mad.
Than went to take bus at 6.45 than came home.
Now waiting szeyong send my sb+ in mousehunt .____.
Lalala so boring.
Tml got D&T.
Scared do wrong things leh -.-
How?? .___.

If Only You Are Beside Me Now..

4:38 AM

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Aww my back hurts ==
Play com keep bend down. .___.
Today had a really LONGGGG day manxz.
Early morning father fetch me and alas to Dovel station.
Than met teachers and frens than go ACSI.
Reach there le.
Is like damn nervous la.
Everyone like run so fast sia.
Than suddenly race start liaw. ==''
Than the 1st runner like siao one.
He like 2x alas speed. ==
Than in the end we get 2nd.
Well at least better than nth.
The girls also get 2nd.
In the end got 11 trophy.
Haha 1 for each of 8 runners and 3 more.
Than the teacher very good la!
7 pple squeeze his 4 seater car.
Alas sit on ben leg.
Than behind like squeezed like siao.
Than reach greendale ben's leg going break.
Than at greendale help out with the water balloon captain's ball.
Than after tat went KFC eat lunch.
Came back home than go yuelong hse play dota awhile than went basketball at around 4? .__.
After tat went to eat at pp shi feng go cut hair than HOME-D! :D
Lol today blog post so long.
Jus now play WTF mode in dota with yuelong.
I got nearly 100 kills.
K bahs shall end here. :DDDD

I Wish I Can Change My Mood Now,
To A Better Mood.
I Just Cant.

6:11 AM

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hey peeps.
Today's mood was quite good tilll...
I jus hate tis freaking feeling.
Dun wanna talk much abt it.
I cant help but to think tat ....
Forget it.
I can do nth..

Wanna Cry It Out Loud,
Tears Jus Wont Come Out.
I Feel Like An Idiot,
But You May Think I'm A Faggot.

If Only, I Know Wat You Are Thinking..

5:54 AM

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm so bored and hyper and i duno why. :D
I finally got a new pair of school shoes!
Huat ahhhh!
Finally manxz!
I no need to suffer when there is rain!
My old shoe got holes here and ther. -.-
Than rain liaw my whole socks wet.
Than foot like cow dung. LOL.
Tonight maybe going to a dinner.
Duno should go anot leh.
So sianxz one.
Some1 pei me msg? (:
See later can msg who.
Go SPAM die. :P

I'm Totally Confused.

11:29 PM

Hey Yah all!
I am bored.
So tired now.
Jus now NPCC got both training and games.
Than games play water balloon captain ball. LOL.
Than i play def and atk.
First few matches huat ah!
Damn fun ah!
Than last match chiong go hit away balloon than,
Water balloon burst all water on me.
WTH! .___.
Than whole body wet .___.
But so shiok la.
I very very warm than the water BOOM on me.
Than my shoe is so gonna explode. :/
Okies shall end here. (:

I Miss You.

4:26 AM

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hey all!
I got 20/25 for MATHS!
First time seh.
Everytime fail common test one now can liddat.
Everyone was like so shock.
Well my toe is so pain now.
Duno why. :/
Tml got NPCC no need bring uniform.
Than whole day play games cos then wan run through the game event thing.

I Need A Girl..
Someone Willing To Listen To Me Talk.
Someone Willing To Be With Me.
Someone Willing To Share My Sorrows.

12:05 AM

Monday, August 16, 2010

Yooo dudes!
I'm so full now.
Stomach's gonna explode any second. :/
Well today school as per normal.
Had oral after school.
So hard sia.
WTH manxz.
Soo bored.
Bringing the banana monkey mei bought for me tml. (:
Jun feng and ming tong gave me present too!
Woots! :D
Thanks uhs! ((:
Tml got D&T!
Ok shall end here.
Buh byes! ^^

I Wish I Have One Wish.

3:34 AM

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hey peeps!
I'm so tired now tat my limbs are breaking soon :/
Morning went hougang there buy things than came back home.
Than awhile go back tution.
3.30 left tution went IKEA eat like mad.
Than went Giant buy things.
After tat came home put things go play basketball.
Than go rivervale mall buy my slippers! :D
Like finally!
I got a new slippers! :D
I need massage now! :/
Soooooo TIRED!

Loving Someone Is Easy, Giving Her Up Is Hard.

5:30 AM

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hey peeps.
Had a normal today.
Nth much.
Jus basketball and eat and home.
Quite tired though.

It seems like i dun matter anything.
Maybe not even a close fren.
I wish i got a wish now.
And tat would be u would really talk to me.
Everytime i see u talking to me,
It jus brightens my day.
No matter wat u say,
It still makes a difference.
If only time could travel,
I would jus turn it into the past.
I know its impossible for u to talk to me more often.
Ur heart has been replaced.
And i cant do anything abt it.
I wish i can do something but too bad i cant.
I hate tis feeling.
Watching u talk to other pple freely,
It makes me jealous.
Why do pple have wat they wan and i cant have it?
I jus dun understand.
Too bad i'm not the one.
I could only blame myself.
For being myself.

Will You Ever Notice Me?

9:41 AM

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hey yo dudes!
Had a longgg day.
Morning had school.
Than 12.30 go ronn hse till 2 come back school.
Take test than rush back home change and go pp.
Than saw wx and monkey mei. :D
Than met jeanic, alas, yue long and ronn.
Went to compass with monkey mei, jeanic, alas, yuelong and ronn.
Wx cannot go. ):
Than went there eat mac and went SKCC basketball.
Played till around 6+ monkey mei had to go home.
Than sent her home since i 'bu fang xing'. xD
Went back basketball till around 7+ than go compass daytona!
Haha damn funny la. :D
Than ran come after tat.
Woots! (:
Now so tiredd! :/
Feel like sleeping! :X

I've Given Up.

7:01 AM

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hey YO!!!!!!!!!
Thanks all for birthday wishes! ^^
Wx send me a midnight msg.
Thanks bestie! :D
Had real fun today in school.
PE played handball than after school,
While waiting for common test got 1 hour free time.
Than we play awhile.
Than one bottle cap hit my head.
I though lennon shoot de i go han tam him.
Than he say WHY U HIT ME! T.T
Than i say u hit me with the freaking bottle cap.
Than everyone was like laughing?
Than they say is terence.
I chiong find terence but halfway let him go.
He come back we all han tam him sia!
All pull his hands and put on table, butt facing up.
Hit his butt 3 times with hardcover book!
He was like on the floor sayang his butt.
Than he was like 'WA! PAIN AH! T.T'
Damn funny sia!
Than after tat bo liao we suddenly ambush him agn!
I think his butt blue black now.
6 times all hit by me.
Ps uhs!
So fun la but he didnt mind also. :D
Hahaha well had lots and lots of fun today! (:

I Love My Besties! :D

4:44 AM

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finally finish art jus now.
Quite nice uhs! ^^
Not trying to BHB. :P
Well NPCC was quite fun today though.
Keep laughing.
Today like crazy training.
K bahs i'm quite tired le.
Gonna make tis short.
Ps uhs!
So cyas! (:

I Don't Know Wat Am I Doing Now..

5:07 AM

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hey dudes!
Back to post agn!
Woah i'm so tired now.
Will sleep immediately when i fall on the bed.
Had a longgg day today.
After YOG than come home met alas and yuelong go compass.
Eat lunch than library study.
Than awhile le go SKCC study.
Than Ronn come.
Than play basketball awhile than back to study.
Than after tat went compass agn and walked back home. ^^
Went to sculpture park and play there.
So fun larhs. (:
Than went 199 there play basketball awhile agn than walked back home~
Sooo tired and bored. xD

I Want To Give Up, But My Heart Just Keeps Me Persevering.

5:20 AM

Monday, August 9, 2010

YOYO Peeps! :D
Jus came back from the YOG thingy.
Abit tired though.
NPCC I got to wear the white gloves!
So shiok ^^
Than stand here stand there block the area.
Than took pictures with Merly and Lyo! :D
Later going compass with alas and yuelong.
Haha say wan study duno will end up like tat time anot.

I'm Nearly Giving Up, But I Just Can't Do It. I Just Don't Understand Why.

7:10 PM

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Heyhey all! xD
I'm am soooooo bored.
Watching tv jus now.
Waiting for afternoon and night to come.
Night going out to eat.
Lalala i really need some entertainment manxz. xD
Well its National Day today.
Happy birthday Singapore~!
Hahahs. (:
Dunno wat to do now.
Tml need go back school.
Sianxz seh.
Okies shall end here.

I Think Of You Every Day, Every Night..

7:54 PM

Hey yoh dudes!
Jus came back from ah ma hse.
Was quite boring there.
Keep yawning like falling asleep.
Jus now tution bored like siao.
Keep copy answer from Ben.
Than Le'schane explain maths to Ben till wan kill him.
Than forget put Le'schane's songs into phone cannot send her.
She give me a killing look. *scared*
So boring.
Shall end here peeps!

I Just Love Your Beautiful Smile.

5:55 AM

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Its so boring agn.
Later got tution.
Than after tat going beach road buy beret.
Played dota with yuelong jus now.
Walao i buy all my items can chiong liaw he hang and dc!
NOOO!~ ):
Ytd play 2 tiring dota matches.
My bro, his 2 frens, alas, aaron, josh, yuelong, ronn and me.
Haha so shiok la.
My bro teach me how use shaker.
Double woots! ^^
Than he ownage la.
We lvl 10+ he lvl 20 liaw. .___.
Lalalal duno wat to do now.

Good Luck To You, All The Best..

7:59 PM

I'm finally done with my new blogskin.
Not bad uhs.
Wa eye tired liaw.
Btw got a new tagbox.
Tag more uhs!
Thanksss! :D

5:55 AM

Hey peeps.
Haiz abit moodless now.
Play dota happily jus now.
Now mood swinged to moodless.
Well learning to use a new hero now.
Need my bro's guidance.
Went studying with yue long and esther today.
Haha like no study tio lo.
I keep reading the lit book.
Lazy read.
Lawls. xD

I'm happy so long as you are happy.

3:45 AM

Friday, August 6, 2010

Play dota with yue long and ronn jus now.
Now abit tired lehs.
Looking back in the past.
So much things have happened.
How i wish i was not in tis world.
No suffering for me.
I wanna turn emotional pain to physical pain.
No1 is stopping me.
I wan stop tis freaking suffering.
Hate it.
I wan a time machine.
Turn back time..

Well I lost. All is gone.

9:18 AM

Argh so tired now.
Whole body aching.
Jus now la!
From hougang jog back to punggol.
Me, alas and yuelong crazy!
But is damn fun la.
We took 20mins from hougang to punggol. ^^
Pro right!
Jus now went yue long hse awhile than went basketball.
Than around 8 came home le.
Whole body aching!
I wanna rest ALOT now! ^^

I'm tired of thinking of it..

5:39 AM

Thursday, August 5, 2010

NDP tml sia!
I scare got thing go wrong.
Than liaw sia.
Hope it all goes smoothly.
Played dota with lennon and terence jus now.
Terence made me go mad. -,-
Play till damn tired.
Ok bahs gonna make tis short.
Need to wake up early tml.
Nights ^^

I hate myself for who I am..

6:38 AM

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm back from a crazy day .___.
I'm SOOOO damn freaking tired.
Had eng common test today.
After tat NDP training.
Its like train train train.
Finally gonna end.
Than tis teacher come.
Started to talk.
We tot aiya maybe awhile nia nvm let him talk.
Than 10mins later,
Than he jus keeps going ON and ON! -.-
Can go off!
Happily go change le than sit there waiting for dismissal..
''Slyvestian go for th YOG thing.''
I was like WALAO!
Than go ther here and ther than ended quite late. .___.
Tml still need go agn.

I guess its hopeless..

5:18 AM

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hey peeps!
Played dota for fun jus now.
Was bored.
Was like owning manxz.
Bought hyperstone.
+55 attack speed.
Followed my brother's item guide.
Was damn godly man the damage.
The com see me run away. :P
Tml have NPCC.
But our training become NDP training. .___.
Well sianxz.
Gonna be so tired once agn tml.

Depressed to the point.

12:34 AM

Monday, August 2, 2010

Finally back from tiring CCA.
Was like standing there for around 2hours already?
Wa damn tired seh.
Sian tml maybe change seating arrangement.
Today during geography nvr listen at all.
Boon wee, me, terence all talking about jokes.
Laugh like siao manxz.
Than after tat got lit remedial.
Watch the outsiders video half way than go NPCC.
Tml got Inter class games.
All the girls good in sports all cannot come.
Dunno how liaw lo.
GG.COM! -.-

I knew the answer from the start.
I'm at lost now.
I'm better off forgotten.
I know I'm an extra obstacle in ur life.
I really dunno wat to do..
All the best to u.

3:51 AM

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jus came back from tution.
Rush all the way back duno for wat thing. -.-
Bored now.
Tml got NDP.
Sianxz sia.
Will die or tiredness manxz.
Tution abit boring.
Lol on my music player in song.
Put till LOWEST volume liaw pple also can listen.
Wth .____.
Shall make tis short~

Sealed In A Box Of Darkness..

2:15 AM