Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hey yahs!
Back from school not long ago.
At school so boring today.
Prepare wat presentation slides.
Everything sweeta do i slack at com lab. :P
Air-con so shiok in ther.
Than alot pple use facebook. .___.
Lols i was one of them too. xD
Than the sweeta keep looking at other things nvr do the slides. -.-
Lols than whole day at the com lab.
Only went for recess than go back.
After tat around 12+ me and jeremy go back to class.
Than the class so messy.
Than not long ago everyone come back also.
Than 1pm everyone go home! :D
Than sky so dark.
Went canteen eat awhile and BOOM it was raining.
Than go home while shoe and socks wet. -.-
Bath-ed but now nth to eat.
Haven had lunch.
Jus had some small things in canteen nia. .____.
Waiting mother come back for my lunch. ):
Listening songs now.
Media player list so long also duno which to listen.
Haiz so boring.
K bahs shall go play some games.
Buh byes! :D

10:54 PM

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Argh i hate singtel internet.
Its no good at all. -.-
Keep off and on and dc. -.-
But now okok le.
Stablised at least.
Did e-learning maths jus now.
Was gonna chop off head man.
Quiz so hard.
Ask me die hao le. ==
The quiz 1 so hard manxz.
Paper 2 still ok bahs.
Download D&T folder.
Left with literature which i dunno why is it not uploaded yet. -.-
Listening songs now.
So boring.
No games play also.
Lazy go play farmer.
Okies gonna end here.
Lazy to carry on cos i dunno wat to carry on. .___.
Buh byes. :D

11:09 PM

Monday, June 28, 2010

Went to Sungei Boloh today.
Walk walk walk.
Everyone ask us enjoy in the end go ther walk.
Tml still have to do wat shyt e-learning stuff.
Than do wat task assignment, presentation all tat shyt.
Say wat stupid shyt week ask us ENJOY.
Enjoy. -.-
Enjoy being with stress man.
Need do wat report, slides all tat stuff.
And ask us ENJOY.
Ya enjoy. -.-
Zzzz. ==
Bored at home.
Gonna watch IY later.
6.15 than start i think.

11:44 PM

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thanks all for ur concern! (:
Recovered from fever, running nose.
Left with sore throat and cough.
Haiz cough cannot eat alot thing. -.-
Today go school nth much also some talks and briefing abt the Learing Journey.
Tml going sungei boloh.
Dunno fun anot.
Later go ther walk walk walk than come back than i laugh. -.-
Tis whole week no need study.
How shiok manxz. :D
Wednesday E-learning no need go school.
Huat ah! xD
Once agn thanks all for wishing me well! :D

11:44 PM

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Today not gonna post much.
Not feeling well jus now.
Felt better after eating panadol.
Was struggling at the SANA course.
Whole body aching like siao.
The room was like so cold lorhs.
Watched lets go dream team on tv jus now.
I jus love Krystal manxz. :D

5:21 AM

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Watched IY jus now.
Sunny jus so damn cute! xD
They plant rice seedlings!
Hara used a rice planting machine.
So cool lo she noe how to use sia.
Than she was a saviour!
Everyone was like working till very tired than actually she can go eat le she still ask all of them go eat while she worked alone with the machine omg!
Today's episode quite funny also bahs. (:
Okok gonna go change blogskin agn.
Cos alot pple cant come my blog.
Buhbyes. (:

4:20 AM

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hey Yo!
Jus finished playing farmerstory.
Got my 100th rebirth!
So shiok man.
Dmg 2.3m. :D
Than scrolled one IMBA weapon. (:
Like took me so much mesos. .___.
Today clas outing 10+ pple go.
Keep di siao jeff.
Than we everything ask jun feng treat.
Than played daytona with him and he was totally trashed! :P
Tml gonna cut hair.
There goes my hair. T.T

7:44 AM

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Went to tution-ah ma hse-dinner.
Tution jonathan nvr go.
Very boring.
So lonely seh.
Next week tution 2 hrs. ==
Went to ah ma hse awhile ther very sianxz also.
After tat went to eat dinner at a restaurant.
Got hot plate toufu, a big fish and lots lots thing.
Eat till damn full.
Played blackshot and got MVP jus now.
Ownage with AUP. :D
Gonna listen to songs...

7:47 AM

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Woke up at 9+.
Watched tv awhile than played blackshot.
Wan play knife match also dun have.
Than played sniper match at training camp.
Throw bomb kill 3 pple.
Than they were like WTH!
Cool! xD
Love my bomb skills. :P
Very boring leh.
School re-opening soon.
Sian holidays so fast pass.
Now on media player so many songs dunno which to listen.
Lols and my blog is gonna be dead soon. .___.
Gonna go tution in awhile ba.
Meet jonathan first. xD

8:39 PM

Hey yo!
Today same as usual.
Morning woke up.
At breakfast and than lunch.
Went basketball with alas, yuelong.
Than after tat their fren come.
Than jia le also come.
I keep play with his itouch. :D
After tat went kopitiam eat dinner and went back basketball court.
Played 3 set matches.
Me, shifeng, yuelong, alas vs other pple.
So cool.
I keep jump jump jump. ==
Gonna have tution tml.
Also lazy go....

6:34 AM

Friday, June 18, 2010

Heyys all.
Ytd went to sleep at 2am. .____.
Woke up at 10.
Watched IY ep 33 jus now.
The new members joined.
Abit different when they change the pple bahs.
Miss the others. ):
Now trying install blackshot once agn.
Always cannot.
Monday gonna go class outing bahs.
Bored at home.

10:34 PM

Went to watch karate kid today!
It was soo damn nice.
Got jackie chan. xD
Thumbs up for the show!
Early morning woke up met yuelong, ronn, alas at alas hse ther at around 10am.
Than go kopitiam eat than take 62 go interchange take 34 to tampines.
Go ther buy tickets than went arcade awhile than went to eat lunch.
After tat go back arcade awhile i played time crisis.
Damn shiok. :D
After tat go watch the movie.
Inside damn cold.
After the movie we chiong toilet. :X
Than lennon call me go basketball than took 34 came back than walk come home take ball, changed and went down basketball.
Than awhile later lennon come than play play play till jing heng and loren come.
Played match and i play like shyt during tat match.
Lols. :X
After tat come home le.
Bath-ed than on com.
Watched Fx performance on music bank jus now.
Love them man!! (:

4:18 AM

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Went out early in the morning.
Go alas hse play play than went pp eat wit ronn, yuelong.
Ronn and me go eat while yuelong and alas go basketball.
Than ronn go buy duck rice first and he came back and i went to buy the same duck rice.
Than i go back in the end i eat faster than him.
After tat went to find alas and yue long in the basketball court.
Than while i standing there one bee land on my hair. xD
Than i tot why got something moving in my hair.
Than i move around and it flown away. (:
After tat went to alas hse agn he top up @cash than we go 114 play basketball.
Than ronn treat us 4 cans of different flavour de Naughty G.
And the suck. ==
Only coke nice.
All damn 'nan he'.
After tat play basketball than some match than go kopitiam eat and go back basketball agn.
Stay ther for around like 5mins than came home.
Tml maybe going watch movie. (:
Now watch lets go dream team girls de!
Woots Krystal jus ROCKS!
Thanks Vivian for the link! :D

4:23 AM

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Arloss. (:
Today 8.30 to 4.30 its like hell?
Went to NPCC course at SCDF.
Was so damn boring sia.
1 hour of lunch and around 4 of 5min breaks.
The other time all on the talks.
Was sitting in a hall which is around 10degree cold?
WTH man. ==
Cold like siao.
Everyone shivering .___.
After tat 4.30 finally can take bus come home.
BUT the damn bus took so long to come sia.
Freak man. ==
Came home after tat and expected the girls team in lets go dream team but it was the boys team...
Next week than is girls team.
Next week got SANA course.
Dun even noe can make it anot.
Zzzzz. T.T

4:16 AM

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Heys all!
Jus finished watching IY.
Damn funny sia! :D
They compete against each other eat watermelon.
Than eat till very very funny.
Next week they gonna plant rice.
Cant wait for the next episode!

4:21 AM

Monday, June 14, 2010

Jus put a music player on my blog. :D
Yesterday posted 2 SS501's MV.
Hehehs. (:
Put my favorite songs in the player.
Woots. :D

7:41 PM

9:22 AM

9:20 AM

So long nvr post le worh.
Nothing much to post.
Played farmer jus now.
Play till sianxz.
Now go play cabal.
Later also sianxz.
School re-open WORST. ==
Gona watch IY, SGBC tml. :D
Ok cabal open le.
Buh byes ! :D

7:07 AM

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Morning woke up with closed eyes.
Ytd slept at around 1am agn.
Than watched tv till like 12 than go alas hse.
After tat went to meet shi feng and ate at pp's KFC.
Went to koufu cos alas and shi feng buy food.
Than went shi feng hse he take ball than go alas hse take ball and played a prank.
Haha damn funny. xD
Cos alas hse got one malay washing the floor using the thing.
Than ge guai lan shi feng.
Shi feng buay song we go find the machine, off than run. :D
Than after tat me and alas wait at roof garden.
Shi feng went to off it agn when the malay guy on agn.
Went to 171 basketball court after tat.
Played soo many matches sia.
Tired like siao.
Than saw kopi mei.
Shi feng keep di siao him.
Say wat 'ba cang' or 'ke cang' than wat eye 'se gor'.
LOL. (:
Went to eat at pp after tat.
After tat while walking home shi feng drink finish alas 1.5litre water.
Than he go throw the bottle to the road 2 times and wait for cars to go through but fail. O.O
After tat the traffic light ther alot car.
He quickly throw the bottle on the road than one car pass through and it went half roti-prata.
After tat worst, one BUS pass through and it totally squeezed.
Haha! :D
Than decided to go to 114 see see.
Than there got one very nice match.
Keep watch than till 7+ shi feng mum call him go home than we went home. xD
Came home bath-ed.
Dunno wat to do lehs...
Now randomly on song listen. xD
K bahs gonna end it here.
Bye-bi. (:

4:39 AM

Friday, June 11, 2010

Was watching invincible youth on soshified's stream.
Tat would be the last episode sunny, yuri, hyuna is gonna be in. ):
They were all crying.
Cheif gave them photobooks.
Taewu gave yuri a scarf.
Haiz they leave IY and some new members are gonna join.
Confirm gonna have some slight changest.
Gonna miss the 3.
It won't be the same without them....

8:21 AM

Arlozzz. :D
Jus finished changing blogskin agn.
Looks nice to me.
Ok la need go eat dinner le. xD
Buh-Byesss! :D

3:37 AM

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Rotting at home now.
Nothing much to do.
Woke up at around 9am.
On com play farmer awhile than eat lunch and on com agn.
Duno can do wat.
Keep stay at home also sian. -.-
Any1 can entertain me?
Dunno going basketball anot.
Alas haven msg me.
Play games till sian also.
K la i'll make tis a short one.
Buh-byes. :D

11:28 PM

Ellozzzz. :D
Had a longgggg day today.
Morning met yue long at aorund 12 than go ronn hse return him thing.
After tat go pp eat and went 171 play basketball awhile.
Than go back 114 play agn for awhile than went tiffany hse give her the photos.
Went to take 62 after tat go find alas, aaron, josh at hougang.
Played basketball awhile at ther than one malay adult ask me and alas play 1v1 with him.
Alas lose cos he slack slack and i won.
Nahhh not gonna be bhb. ==
Went hougang mall josh buy his headphone and saw 2 chio bu. o.O
Than went back to basketball court while josh go back home.
Played some matches and did not notice it was alrdy 6pm. :X
Than quickly finished the match than jus nice bus came.
Me and yuelong chiong for the bus.
Ytd also chiong for bus.
After tat came back home and bath-ed.
Now dunno should play L4D2 or Farmer.
K la gonna end here.
Till next time.
Bye Bi.

4:03 AM

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Posted a video below.
I liked the song. (:
Ytd same as usual.
Went compass eat and played basketball at SKCC saw deroy and his bro.
Than after awhile walked back punggol go alas hse watch incredible tales.
Went basketball after tat. xD
Than around 5 went home.
Watched the new version of star golden bell challenge and invincible youth.
Heheheh! :D
Than used com till around 12+ than go sleep.
Jus now woke up at 9am.
Very boring.
Now stomach grumbling le.
I go get things eat liaw.
BuhByes, (:

6:25 PM

Monday, June 7, 2010

6:51 PM

Hi all.
Not in the mood to post but nth else to do.
Today cp-home-alas hse-basketball-home.
Went cp eat with alas.
Than came home get ball than go alas hse play play com.
Than after tat go basketball at 114 play alot matches.
Than late le come home watch music bank.
Watched Fx, 4minute, SUJU, 2pm, Rain's performance.
All damn nice.
Now dunno do wat better.
Damn bored.
K bahs shall end here.

Fk off la bitch. Pua cb. Keep extra here and there. Knn. Not happy come la. Dun stare stare stare. Pua cb. I post wat need u huan lo so much.
Mind ur own fking busniess la. Cant even control u urself huan lo other people. Faggot.

4:39 AM

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hellorhs! xD
Ytd night no mood at all.
Stupid farmer.
Wipe sia bodo. -.-
All my hard blood gone.
Wat shit is tis. -.-
Today morning woke up around 8+.
Than 10+ went out eat with relatives. (:
Than went ah ma hse awhile before coming back.
Now no farmer play i also duno do wat better.
Now trying download ronn playing de private server.
Got aran.
Hope can play. xP
Bored at home without com games.
K la i wan make it short.
Lazy continue le.

3:25 AM

Hellorhs! xD
Ytd night no mood at all.
Stupid farmer.
Wipe sia bodo. -.-
All my hard blood gone.
Wat shit is tis. -.-
Today morning woke up around 8+.
Than 10+ went out eat with relatives. (:
Than went ah ma hse awhile before coming back.
Now no farmer play i also duno do wat better.
Now trying download ronn playing de private server.
Got aran.
Hope can play. xP
Bored at home without com games.
K la i wan make it short.
Lazy continue le.

3:25 AM

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today woke up at around 8+? o.o
Than on com awhile play farmer awhile than sianxz.
Diao. -.-
After tat go alas hse and we walked compass met esther and yuelong!
Went to action city buy josephine's present first and went mac eat.
Than after tat esther went library me, alas, yuelong go SKCC.
Go ther nobody. ==
Than slack ther awhile walked back to home.
Lols we damn lame got bus dun wan take. xD
Than played basketball.
Alas and me like half dead.
Than played match with other pple.
Than come back home on com agn.
Nothing much today bahs.
Same as usual.
Now downloading farmer.
1.6GB memory~
I hope ther's no wipe.
If wipe i liaw.
K bahs gonna make tis short.

6:04 AM

Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm damn pissed with singtel mio siol.
Stupid waste my fking time.
Jus now repair finish telephone internet buay sai.
Than repair internet telephone buay sai.
Pua cb. -.-
Today very tired than come home do tis shit.
Faggot sia.
Went to compass with alas and yue long at around 12-1+.
Than go ther eat and wanted meet esther but too late.
Woots bro come back le.
My mousehunt miss 5 elder mouse.
Fker sia. Bodo.
K bahs.
Shall make tis short.

5:45 AM

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Anahasaeyo! :D
Ps i dunno hw spell.
Wakakak! xD
Ytd nvr post cos hand too pain.
Went CIP ytd.
Carried so many things.
Than one uncle think we wat help him ''move'' house.
He sibeh many thing sia wtf.
We help him carry TV, mirror, speakers and alot shit. -.-
Than after tat went pp eat and go home change and wet basketball. :D
Ytd slept at around 1am.
Now my eyes going pop out liaw.
Haha! (:
Than jus now sleep dream-ed of Alice. LOL.
She went overseas.
Not much pple to talk in msn without her.
I miss her. :X
Haiz its still long be4 she come back. ):
K bahs.
Gonna end here.

6:01 PM

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ellos ellos!
Jus finished watching Invincible Youth.
Damn funny sia!
Sunny so cute with all those poses!
Omg i going GAGA!
Hara noes how to ride a tractor!
She plowed the potato field! :D
Yuri tied 2 ponytails damn pretty siol!
Narsha pose damn funny also.
Seonhwa got the least stories in their competitions. ):
Narsha damn pretty also. xD
I came home at around 4+ jus to watch star golden bell challenge and invincible youth.
Haha! :X
Ok la gtg liaws.
Heheheh! :D
Bye bi! (:

4:21 AM