Monday, May 31, 2010

Hiehie! :D
Jus woke up not long ago.
Slept at around 2 last night .___.
Later gonna help mum mop floor.
Sianxz ....
Gonna meet alas, josh, tiffany once agn later.
Josh gonna print the photos. (:
After tat i guess we going basketball bahs and around 7 home-d. :D
K bahs I shall go and mop floor now! :X

6:42 PM

Wakakaka! (:
Ellos all!
Ytd slept at aorund 3am.
Today woke up around 7-8am. :D
Than went to alas hse at around 10+.
After tat took bus go hougang mall.
Ronn wanted buy bag but all ugly than we went to eat at Mac. (:
Than tiffany hong came and find us ! :D
She've grown taller! (:
Than met Josh at near bus stop.
After tat pei Josh go eat.
Than went to take MRT to Bugis meet Aaron.
Than we walked here and ther and went the arcade!
Played basketball with tiffany. (:
Played alot other games and wanted play Lan but tiffany cannot go in cos she in school uniform.
Than we changed to watch movie but no movies watch.
After tat went to eat KFC and pei tiffany buy ice cream at mac. (:
Haha she keep pulling me and aaron with her.
Worst of all me and aaron keep tio hit by her. :X
Haha but nvm la not very pain also. :P
Than went Vivo after tat.
Go ther candy empire.
Tiffany buy 1 box of chocolate $14.80 and got promotion buy one get one free.
Than she also buy one can of small gums. Lol! :D
Than we ate one of the chocolate and i ate around 10 of it. O.O
The chocolate are those shells shaped! (:
Than after tat we go the roof ther slack and went into the water. :D
Than Tiffany go down the water scared fall down keep pull me and aaron's hand! Haha! :X
And hor! Alas was mad! :D
Tiffany splash water at his pants! LOL!
Than went arcade AGAIN.
Than me and alas played basketball agn.
After tat went to eat dinner and went back roof agn play with water. (:
Than after tat took MRT come home.
Aaron wan alight tiffany dun let. Lol.
Than after tat of cos aaron got alight la.
After tat Josh turn alight and we said bye bye to him. (:
Than MRT all the way till Punggol than tiffany tel us quickly leave and dun let his father see us.
Lols! Hahas.
Than me and alas tooke LRT and home-d! (:
Took alot pics today.
Had a damn fun day lahs! :D
Hope to have a day like tis agn! (:
Ok shall end here.
Cyas!!! ((((:

7:14 AM

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Heyhey all! :D
Yesterday night nvr post much worh.
Sry. ><
Was chionging rebirth in farmerstory.
Got my first MSI! WOOTS! :D
Than yesterday play till abt 3am than sleep.
Wakakakak! (:
I stolen Esther's word agn!
Random! :X
Than today morning woke up at 10+.
Play farmerstory awhile than watch tv.
Than after tat damn bored~ .____.
Went to on Xbox and played counterstrike and i was like trashing? Lols.
Than 3pm went to play basketball at 114.
Play halfway rain like siao.
Than me, alas, yuelong went to pp and meet shi feng.
Than shi feng go kopitiam eat.
Eat finish we go 117 basketball court and saw ming tong and deroy!
Ming tong basketball not bad uhs! (:
Played alot match.
Me, alas, shi feng vs ming tong, deroy and another 2A1 guy.
We totally trashed them! :P
Score 11:0 :D
Than after tat ming tong went home and we played full court match and went home! (:
I went KFC buy food and alas, yue long and me went 114 agn.
Lol! :X
Than sit ther i eat eat finish than came back home.
Now staring at com screen dunno can do wat.
Holidays are boring.
Hahas. (:
Okie shall end here.
Cyass! ((:

4:52 AM

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hihi alll~~~~~~~~~~~
Jus finished mapling.
My eyes are really gonna drop out.
My stupid huntsman took me freaking so many hours and chix to train it!
WTH! -.-
Hunt all those neccessary items for occupation lvl up for abt 3-4 hrs and now only lvl 3 occupation.
Idiot. -.-
Than keep chiong main for rebirths.
Maybe later chiong till 100 rb. (:
Boredd now.
Dunno can do wat.
K shall end here cyas.~

2:25 AM

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hihi all.
Stupid Farmerstory.
Play halfway lag me like shit and dc-ed me.
Faggot. -.-
Waste of my time.
Tried relog 10 times all cannot.
Idiot. ==
Now no games play.
So boring.
Stupid sia.
Nvm end here ba.

9:43 PM

Ellos all~
Thanks Esther for helping me post!
Wakakak! :P
Jus came back home not long ago.
Sooo tired.
Morning woke up alas ask me go Giant with him, ronn and yuelong.
Went there they all buy FBT pants than went compass.
Go ther wanted buy alas present he say nth he want.
Than after tat go SKCC nvr open. -.-
Went back to punggol after tat and took alas basketball.
Than play basketball.
I was a chiongster! :D
After tat went back home and went to Anchorvale temple there eat dinner.
Than suddenly got one woman inside temple got possessed. O.O
She was like sitting ther and keep moving her arms around.
Than a venerable go ther ask her go out and she scolded him. O.O
I went to KPO! (:
Than the woman sit on a chair keep moving.
After tat i nvr KPO le! (:
Than watch the performance than one of the girls from 12 lotus came i think.
She performed some songs.
Damn chio sia. O.O
Than after tat came home and bath.
Now dunno can do wat.
Damn bored.
Shall end here bahs.
Cyasssss! ((:

8:20 AM

Guess who am i ?
Aiya , uue all wont guess dao luhs!
Esther here ~~ Helping tat lazy BUM BUM to post!
See, i hao xin ren!
He will have to thank me ltr!
Wakawaka! (:
:D LOLS , and tis guy, Slyvestian, stil haven pay me for th copyrighted word he used!
Wahahaha, if he pay me den i FA CHAI LIAW!
Lol. Seriously i have nth to tok about sia , its his blog.
Not mine.
Im toking CRAP here sia!
Lalalalala~ gonna end here den! :D
Okay okay, Toodles! ~


5:20 AM

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Yesterday wanted post but forgot.
Hehehehs. Ps worh. :X
Yesterday morning woke up and walked to school myself.
Than early morning go hall sit ther for like 2hours?
Sit ther jus to listen to 2hours of talk. -.-
Legs were like so wobbly when stand up.
Than after tat went recess and cancelled spelling bee. (:
Than after recess had home period and area cleaning.
Cher say do area cleaning first be4 eating pizza.
Than clean here clean ther for abt 40mins than went to take pizza with some frens and cher.
Than after tat went up and went down agn with terence to get ice for drinks.
After tat me and terence steal some ice put in mouth. :D
Than went back class party like siao.
I nvr eat pizza worhs. (;
Dun feel like eating.
Than drank some water and decided play silent library with frens.
Losers eat some red pepper without drinking water! (:
Than whole game i save UNTIL the last game suay suay tio me.
I had to eat one and a half packet.
I was like WTF SO SUAY! -.-
Than eat lo.
The taste damn suck. -.-
Not spicy but dunno wat shit lai de.
Lols. xD
Than after school came back home chiong farmerstory till abt 1am with terence.
Earned like 20k chix? O.O
Now got 30k chix le woots!
Can buy godly weapon worh! :D
All thanks to terence and happy birthday terence! (:
Haha now facing the com dunno can do wat.
2 more days to yoona's birthday! :D
K bahs gonna end here.
Chatting with Alice on msn now. (:
Cyas!!~~ :D

6:34 PM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ellos ellos all~
Jus reach home not long ago.
Had a long and tiring day~
Early morning didnt bring tie got scolding.
Lawls. :X
After tat went rollerskate found out not enuf equipment.
They went back to company get more.
And we had to wait and wait than cher say eat our maths quiz time let us play.
Than played like siao!
Played with deroy, junfeng, jeffery, teng siong, kamarul. (:
I few the most number of times and i'm proud of it! (:
Jun Feng cannot balance keep fall down also.
Than i keep compete with jeff.
He sucker sia keep bang me and de siao me.
Make me fall down.
Shit him man!
After tat went back to class abt 12 le.
Lol had home period.
My results suck. .____.
Than after tat eat lunch went NPCC.
Me and terence carried like around 20kilo of things?
WTF MAN! .____.
We went first block and tat first block made me sick enuf. -.-
I had to carry one BIG bunch of stupid books! Faggot -.-
It weights abt 5-6 kilos? Siao sia.
Than carry from the block all the way to greendale. Idiot.
My hand whole red sia.
After tat me we still carry ALOT newspaper.
Than after muster parade end of NPCC and came back home lo.
Had a bath and now talking to yi hong. Lol.
K bahs shall end here cyas~~

3:21 AM

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ellos Ellos!
Super tired lorhs!
Today early morning stand ther for like abt 30mins?
Got NPCC day celeb.
Than shoulder damn pain! :/
Than after tat got wat design poster think.
Draw till damn ugly lo!
Than after tat go recess and went to lab for dunno wat datalogger thing.
So sianz at there.
Keep di siao Terence Lim! Haha!
So funny lorhs!
Than Jeremy, Terence, Lennon fighting over for 1 seat.
After tat went hall for some stuff and went to class take things and HOME! (:
Packed my things jus now.
Now talking to Esther.
Haha said somethings made her pai sei!
Wakakak (:
I stolen her sentence once again! (:
K ba shall end here uhs!
Bye-bi! (:

11:02 PM

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ellos all!
Nothing much happen today.
Woke up in the morning on com chiong maple.
Now got 30+ rbs if I'm not wrong.
Can hit 4m dmg. (:
Got a cool two handed sword.
Damn nice siol! :D
After tat wen tution.
Met jonathan at 2.15 and walked ther.
Than tution do maths damn sianz.
Than after tat keep copy answer form benedict bay. :X
Than wilson take benedict paper and i had to walk there and here jus to look at the paper.
Lol after tatfinally copy finish and i was like SHIOK!
Suddenly one of the girl in our class which me and her nvr talked be4 lent me her paper.
Like was so shock lo!
Than i reply 'Haha i copied finish le.Thanks btw."
Hah first time talking to her!
She's not bad. :X
Than after tat tution end buy food and walked home with jonathan.
Than halfway he walked home and i was ALONE. Lol.
Reached home realise forgot bring my keys.
Lucky my mother at home.
Than bath and on com.
Now talking to josephine on msn. xD
Her birthday coming uhs.
Haha real soon.
K bahs shall end here.

4:01 AM

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Early morning woke up at 8am. xD
Than went go meet alas and yuelong at his black downstairs at 8.15am.
Than went in MTS and its like so many pple! Lols!
Went to find Mr Wee, Mdm Woo, Mrs Lim, Mr Chan, Ms Zhang and frens!
Haha Mdm Woo said Jerrold become more handsome worh! (:
Jerrold damn rich seh!
Donation $20! Siao! :X
Than after tat went compass with shi feng, alas and sam.
Went to comics connection and got the posters!
Yeas! (:
Sorry alas!
Delayed ur present once agn! ):
I will buy for u ok? Confirmed!
Than eat at KFC and came back to punggol.
Sam pei me come home put posters and take my ball.
Than go down basketball.
Played basketball with jia an, shi feng, lorenzo, alas, sam, jia le.
Than saw Josephine again! Haha!
Than loren, jia le and me go buy drink.
Than loren and me share one coffee milk and he keep suan jia le with tat milk.
Haha i was laughing like mad!
Wat drink tis will grow taller like him and all tat.
Than after tat jia le go home than we stay awhile longer and came home.
Than now talking to esther, josephine and sam on msn.
K ba shall end here.
Cyas! (:

4:18 AM

Friday, May 21, 2010

Hihi all once again! xD
Was talking with Josephine jus now on msn!
Was recaping with her p1 moments! :X
Went to spamm her tagbox jus now!
Wakaka! (:
We sms and msn together at once.
LOL! (:
Missed all my primary school moments!
How i wish i can go back than. (:
Where they will be less torturing.
K bahs shall end here.

8:12 AM

Ellos all~!
Jus came back from NPCC stuff.
Today damn eventful luhs!
Morning go alas hse.
Met Yue Long downstairs.
Go PP eat KFC.
Half-way to bus stop saw Wiky!
Lols. xD
Than we run away than walk one whole round to bus stop.
Hahas! (:
Than take bus go compass.
In bus saw Josephine!
She's cute with her fringe.
Hahas! (:
After tat reach compass walk walk around than buy ice-cream.
Than after tat walk to compassvale sec.
The talk damn sianz.
After talk end walk to compass AGN!
Than at ther eat with Alas, Yue Long and Terence.
After tat walked all the way home from compass.
Woots! Hahah!
Than Terence halfway pangseh go home le.
Bad worhs. o.o
After tat walk walk walk than go basketball court saw Jack. xD
He damn shuai siol!
Haha than now reach home bath le.
Now talking to Wiky in msn. xD
K la shall end tis long post.
Cyas! (:

4:30 AM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

O ya i almost forgot!
Its my bro's birthday!
Wakakaka! (:
Happy Birthday Bro. (:
Wish Gyuri a happy birthday!
Lets hope they dun ban their song bas. (:

6:19 PM

Morning everybody!
Woke up at 8am worhs.
Abit giddy now though.
Later 2.30pm need go Compassvale Sec.
Go ther for NPCC stuff summore. -.-
Cant wait for tml worhs.
Go back Mee Toh see all primary school frens.
Miss them like siao!
After tat should be going compass ba.
Maybe getting my posters! (:
Yay! :D
Before exams i tot it was boring.
Now after exams it is more boring. ==''
Not many pple chattting with me.
Terence they all keep ask me go play blackshot.
K la shall tis post here ba.
Dunno wat to continue le.
Bye-bi~ (:

6:12 PM

Jus finished playing BlackShot with Alas and Ronn.
Ronn so ke lian.
Keep tio me and Alas bully worh.
Hahas! :D
Talking to Esther now.
She damn funny luhs.
Later maybe gonna chiong Farmerstory. o.o
Too bored!
Kept listening to Koren songs uhs.
K la shall end here.

6:21 AM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bored to death.
Decided to come and post.
Home econs see till gong gong.
Lit lazy study.
Die bahs! (:
The 5 girls are mines!
Wakakaka (:
Shooo! :D
Cant wait for tml seh.
End of the both exams.
Come home CHIONG AH!
K la end here le.
Buhbyes~ (:

5:34 AM

I finally changed my blogskin!
Now exam period I still do this.
Bad boy worh.
Came across tis blogskin and tot it was nice.
Wei Xuan agreed too. (:
K ba i need go eat le.
Cyas! (:

1:43 AM